Slides and Sample Code from CodeMash 2020

Last month, I had the pleasure of delivering a four-hour SwiftUI workshop and two talks at CodeMash, one of my favorite conferences to attend. The talks were recorded, so I will eventually have video from them, but for now, here are the slides and the sample code from them.

Building Declarative UI with SwiftUI

In this workshop, we built Timeato, a pomodoro timer app for iOS, watchOS, macOS, tvOS, and iPadOS. You can find the code on GitHub.

A Mobile App Success Starter Pack

This talk was less technology-focused and more on the things you can do to make a mobile app shine. You can find the slides on Speaker Deck.

Straying From the Happy Path: Taking Control of Errors in Swift

This talk focused on error handling in Swift, and how we got to the state of the art. You can find the slides on Speaker Deck.

Thanks to everyone who came out to my talks! It was a grueling week of public speaking, but I had a lot of fun!

Slides: Understanding Objective-C Inside and Out from CodeMash 2014

I braved the polar vortex to come down to Sandusky, OH for the always-amazing CodeMash conference. I gave a talk about Objective-C’s underpinnings in C and the like. You can find the slides on SpeakerDeck, and the slides and code on the unofficial GitHub repository for the conference. Thanks for coming, everyone!

Slides: Understanding Objective-C Inside and Out from CocoaHeads Ann Arbor

Last night I gave the Understanding Objective-C Inside and Out talk at CocoaHeads Ann Arbor. You can find my slides on SpeakerDeck.

We had a really great turnout—CocoaHeads Ann Arbor is almost outgrowing its space! If you’re in the SE Michigan area (or even further—there are attendees from Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids) you should come to the next meeting and learn about Auto Layout.