VR As a Litmus Test for the New Mac Pros

Much has been said already about the new Mac Pro and iMac Pro being developed at Apple. Since everyone has their own idea for what would make such a product successful, I thought I’d throw my two cents in the pile: VR. To me, this is the biggest blind spot in Apple’s desktop lineup: none of them can run VR games using modern hardware. If VR does indeed take off on the desktop, not just on consoles like PlayStation VR, Apple will be unable to offer anything to those consumers. To that end, the iMac Pro, presumably the more “prosumer” of these two upcoming desktops, ought to be able to handle VR gaming. If it can’t, I’ll consider that a failure.

The Mac Pro, on the other hand, is decidedly professional. It won’t be enough for it to simply play VR games. The Mac Pro needs to be able to create VR content. Whether this means one incredibly beefy graphics card, two, or more, as it stands today the Mac is behind in this regard. This also offers a nice dichotomy in the two machines if we use VR as the standard; the iMac can play VR games and the Mac Pro can create them. Here’s hoping.

Out of Beta!

I’m happy to announce that Developing for Apple Watch, Second Edition is now out of beta! You can order the eBook version and receive it nearly-instantly, order a paper edition, or order both and get the eBook now and the paper edition in the mail. And of course, it’s available on Amazon if you prefer to buy it there (but if you want to support me and the Pragmatic Bookshelf, buy it direct!).

One of the more interesting things I did for this book was to create a promotional video for it. With some guidance by Chris Adamson, I used Motion to stitch together some music, the cover image of the book, and some screen captures to bring the book to life in a more visual format. It’s on YouTube, so I guess this is where I say, “Be sure to like and subscribe!”

Developing for Apple Watch

After a long time of writing, my second book has been published! Developing for Apple Watch is now available from the Pragmatic Bookshelf in both paper and eBook formats! This is a “Pragmatic exPress” book, meaning it’s a shorter look at a specific technology. It’s also available on Amazon if you’d prefer it that way.jkwatch

The book introduces WatchKit, Apple’s technology for making Apple Watch apps. With 100% of its code in Swift, you’ll be ready to go with the latest Apple technology. Get it now and get a head start on making watch apps before WWDC!

Slides: Understanding Objective-C Inside and Out from CodeMash 2014

I braved the polar vortex to come down to Sandusky, OH for the always-amazing CodeMash conference. I gave a talk about Objective-C’s underpinnings in C and the like. You can find the slides on SpeakerDeck, and the slides and code on the unofficial GitHub repository for the conference. Thanks for coming, everyone!