Slides: Understanding Objective-C Inside and Out from CodeMash 2014

I braved the polar vortex to come down to Sandusky, OH for the always-amazing CodeMash conference. I gave a talk about Objective-C’s underpinnings in C and the like. You can find the slides on SpeakerDeck, and the slides and code on the unofficial GitHub repository for the conference. Thanks for coming, everyone!

Slides: Understanding Objective-C Inside and Out from CocoaHeads Ann Arbor

Last night I gave the Understanding Objective-C Inside and Out talk at CocoaHeads Ann Arbor. You can find my slides on SpeakerDeck.

We had a really great turnout—CocoaHeads Ann Arbor is almost outgrowing its space! If you’re in the SE Michigan area (or even further—there are attendees from Kalamazoo and Grand Rapids) you should come to the next meeting and learn about Auto Layout.

Slides: Using and Creating Images in iOS at MobiDevDay Detroit

Today was MobiDevDay in Detroit, and it was a heck of a good conference (and I’m not just saying that because Detroit Labs helped put it on). The slides from my presentation are on Speaker Deck, and you can see AmazeKit on GitHub or view its documentation. Enjoy!