Take Me Home Now Free

Take Me Home is an ancient, buggy iPhone app that was my “Hello, World!” in the App Store. Its sale rate has plummeted to only a couple of buyers a week and, with the prevalence of real, honest-to-God GPS apps in the store these days, its usefulness is questionable. So from here on out, it’s free. I can’t promise to continue supporting it—especially for new devices and APIs—so the best I can do may be to remove it from the store in the event that some update breaks it.


New iPhone Project: uWarranty

So, I created a new iPhone application called uWarranty. It used an unpublished Apple API for warranty status (from selfsolve.apple.com), and so I got this after submitting it:

Thank you for submitting your application to the App Store. Unfortunately, your application, uWarranty, cannot be added to the App Store because it violates section 3.3.7 of the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement:

“Applications may not perform any functions or link to any content or use any robot, spider, site search or other retrieval application or device to scrape, retrieve or index services provided by Apple or its licensors, or to collect, disseminate or use information about users for any unauthorized purpose.”

OK, I get it. That’s fine and is Apple’s prerogative. But now I have this program and all the development time that went into it. So what do I do? I guess the answer is to open-source it, just like AppSales Mobile. Watch this space for more details as I clean up the code and throw it up on a public repository somewhere.