Take Me Home 1.1.1 Released

Take Me Home version number 1.1.1 is now available via iTunes. This release has the following features:

-Tweaked UI
-Progress bar now updates more accurately
-Current location accuracy now displayed to user

Take Me Home version 1.1.1 is a free update to all Take Me Home owners.

Published by

Jeff Kelley

I make iOS apps for Detroit Labs.

2 thoughts on “Take Me Home 1.1.1 Released”

  1. Jeff, any idea how I can control where Google Earth opens, it’s opening at the location on exit, and I’d really like it to open at the current user location of at the extent of the kml i’m having the app open? Any ideas?


    1. @Rob: That’s more of a question for Google Earth folks. All my app does is create a URL to send the user to Google Maps; I have no idea how the Google Earth iPhone client reacts to kml.

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